Wednesday, January 21, 2009

surveysurveysurvey (a myspace survey post by me)

What do you think about smoking weed?
it's for satan worshippers

Do you believe everything you hear?
of course! why would anyone say it if it weren't true??

What is the next big decision you have to make in your life?
hit or stand

What are you wearing right now?

Where were you at 11:11 AM today?
funland, usa

Who was the last person to lay in bed with you?
yo momma

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?
haha, i gotta be the most awkward person i know

If you're being extremely quiet what’s it mean?
i've got nothing to say

How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?

Any tattoos?
28 actually

Look outside, how's the weather?
i'm too lazy to go look outside

Who was the last friend you saw?
i don't make a practice out of sawwimg my friends

What's one of your favorite colors?
brown, but only when it can stick around, yellow, but only when it's mellow, and red man, but only to get ahead man.

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?

What's annoying you?
the conundrum that is modern soceity. we're forced to work jobs we don't like to make money to survive. but what's the alternative? to tear down the whole system? then we go back to hunting and gathering and yeah it sounds cool, but it sounds like the work is a lot harder and that there's a lot less time for hygiene and then everyone smells and there's no laws and stuff and people just start brutalizing one another till we realize that maybe we need a soceity that has more control over us and that supplies us with jobs to make money to survive. then we can go back to the comforts of showering regularly and cable tv until we start once again to bitch about our jobs.

Did you date anyone this past winter?
real pimps don't go on dates

What were you doing an hour ago?
being awesome

What color is the shirt you are wearing?

Do you wish at 11:11?
am i supposed to?

What is your next vacation?
everyday is a vacation

Do you mind explaining things to children?
sometimes i need things explained to me like i'm a child

Can you neatly write with your opposite hand?
and my left foot

Do you prefer chicken, beef, pork, or tofu?
i prefer not to say so as not to hurt anyone's feelings

What are you doing besides this survey?
i'm 100% commited to this survey

Do you have a clock in the room you are sitting in right now?
i'm at work drowning in clocks.

If you were a cow, would you sleep standing up, or lying down?
as a steak

If you could go outta town right now where would you be going?
wherever the wind blows me

What is your favorite video game?
lolo's adventure

When did you cry last?
i'm crying right now

Have you ever played the game MASH?
the only MASH for me is the hit tv show from the 70's "Cuz suicide is painleeeess....."

Youre gonna get a piercing,where is it??
my eyeball

How do you feel about your first true love?
rock n roll is here to stay

When you were little, were you totally into Barney?
rubble from the flinstones... totally underrated supporting character

Do you play games on your cell phone?
i tried to get a game of checkers going on my cell phone, but it's too small, it wouldn't support the board.

Are you an aunt/uncle?

What kind of magnets are on your fridge?
the kind that stick

Who was the last person you had a serious talk with?

When is the last time you did a puzzle?
i punch puzzles in the face

Have you ever played Monopoly, and won?
i am the worst monopoly player in the world. i am the reason no game of monopoly ever ends. i lose friends and allies by plaing monopoly. people hate me cuz of that game.

Have you taken any medicine lately?
your love is like bad medicine, bad medicine is what i need

Hottest thing you see right now?
my reflection

Does everything happen for a reason?
i don't know, i'm torn on this one... either everything does happen for a reason, or everything is just a result of chaos... but if everything's chaotic, wouldn't chaos then be the reason for everything happening???

Favorite TV channel?

Last place you got a hair cut?
my bathroom

Last person you made a bet with?
shaq in my basketball fantasy league for this week... looks like i'm gonna lose $5. but that's ok cuz oneyda owes me $20 since the chargers made it to the playoffs.

What is something you are scared to do?
go to sleep chewing gum

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
mildred at olive garden.
she sounded cute over the phone!

Do you have four generations still living in the family?
no, we don't live that long

Is there anything you always do before you go to bed?
spy on my neighbors

How many lights are on in your house?

Wanna get anything off your chest?
my nipples??

Did you like any one last summer?
no, i hated everybody.

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