Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Warped Tour

I was going to wax emo poetic about how this past weekend was the last Warped Tour on NJ soil, a punk-ish rock festival I haven't attended in well over a decade. I was gonna lament over the end of an era and succumb to the heavy nostalgia thinking about Warped does to me. But Warped hasn't put together a line up I wanted to see in a long time. And that's okay, it shouldn't. It should be geared towards young people, not me. Things are changing and as time passes, things become old and tired. Warped will be gone by the end of the summer and that's okay because that means it won't hang around and try to exist well past its own suggested expiration date. The kids will figure something out. CBGB's closed and rock and roll is still alive and well any night of the week in NYC. Something will always come along. The kids will be alright. I'll reflect on the past with fond memories but also accept my own wear and tear. I'm 38 and can no longer hang out in the hot sun for 8 hours and mosh all day. You can find me at the back of an indoor venue now, wondering if I'm the same age as the parents of some of these young punks, rockers, and moshers, just happy to know that even though it may not seem like it in the mainstream, rock and roll is alive and young people are still tearing shit up.

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