Friday, August 3, 2012

if i could fight one person....

i'd fight me.

i've seen you staring me down and sizing me up. i hear what you say about me. i know all about your ill will towards me. i know that in your mind, there's nothing more pleasurable to you than to see me fall. you want nothing more than for me to give up and lie down for the rest of my life. you'd love to silence me, to shut me up for good, to beat me down so bad that i never find the will to even try to get back up. 

you stalk me at my every move. you throw stones when i smile. you bite my hand as i reach out for contentment. you look at me and tell me i'm no good. i look at you and tell you that you're all that isn't good about me. you're the poison in my well. you're the enemy within. you're me and you're the biggest threat to my well being.

one day i'm gonna slam you to the ground and pounce onto your body like steel onto clay. i'm gonna grasp my hands around your throat and choke the life out of you. i'm going to stare into your eyes and ask you if you're having a good time. was it all worth it? every time you set me back and made me feel like less than i am... it's all lead us both to this moment. me watching you as you struggle for air, as your face contorts and changes color. i will watch you die. i want to know what the last breath that seeps out of your stupid mouth feels like on my skin. 

and when it's all finally over, i'll get up and walk away and i'll never stop to look back. i'll keep moving forward. i'll forget this ever happened. i'll burn the memories and scatter the ashes into the great blue sky. you'll be gone forever, completely removed from all existence, like you never happened.

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