Monday, June 11, 2012

this thing on my neck

i have this thing on my neck. i'm pretty sure it's either a pimple or a bug bite. the first time i saw it was on saturday... but i didn't think much of it. it looked like a routine pimple, right outside the area where my beard ends. i figured like any pimple, just give it a few days and it'll go away.

but it got bigger. not scary bigger, but it didn't go down. so yesterday (sunday), when i looked in the mirror, it was way more noticeable. noticeable enough to get an audible, "holy shit," out of me. i looked at it, still figured it's a pimple that will just go away and better to not mess with it. i know what happens when you mess with a pimple. shit gets way worse before it gets better and it stays around way longer.

i had almost forgotten about it till last night when i was out and about and a friend said to me, "i'm having a hard time concentrating on what you're saying with that thing on your neck."

and in that moment i became extremely self conscious. and now i can't converse with anyone or concentrate cuz all i can think about is the person i'm talking to thinking about the thing on my neck. at work today, i had 3 or 4 people come up to me and actually say, "what's that thing on your neck?"

it doesn't hurt. i'm pretty sure it's a pimple. and it wouldn't bother me so much if i didn't know it's the first thing people see now when they look at me and it's stealing all the attention away from what is usually the awesomeness of a josh interaction. now i'm just hoping i don't have anything profound or wise to say over the next few days... i wouldn't want it to be wasted on ears that can't hear me because it's being drowned out by the exclamation that is..... this thing on my neck.

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