Wednesday, June 13, 2012


most days when i think about writing or speaking or connecting with people or just straight out living.... i think about how i can convey hope to others, to the world, the people around me, my immediate environment. sounds corny, i know... but i'm a big believer in hope.

we gotta hope for something. hope is about things getting better. hope is about not accepting things as they are, but keeping a positive outlook that there are ways to make things better. what things? all things. this is a very general, non specific thing i'm talking about here.

i figure if i add hope to the world, then others will catch hope off of that.... kinda like a cold. i want a hope epidemic. i want everyone to catch hope so bad that there's no amount of pessimism or negativity that can kill it off or save you from it.

i think all good things start at hope. and when hope fades and goes away and dies, that's when shit gets really bad. i'm scared of hopeless people. i can't imagine that outlook on existence. but i even have hope for the hopeless.

if hope is infectious, i wanna wake up every day overflowing with hope... filled with enough to cram down everyone's throat. that shit might go down like bitter medicine at first... hope probably has an awful taste for those who haven't acquired a liking for it yet. but hang on and let it flow through your system, you're gonna catch that shit if you let it.

hope is a sickness. hope is a medicine. hope is all i got to offer sometimes... i just hope that's enough.

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