Wednesday, February 1, 2012

cuz suicide is painless

(DISCLAIMER!!!! please note: the management at thinks everyone should want to live forever and ever and ever. so don't kill yourself after reading this. that'd be totally uncool and stuff.)

a common reaction i hear from people when a celebrity commits suicide is, 'how sad.' i don't find anything sad about it really. there might be something sad in that person's life that drove them to that point, but i don't find the act of suicide itself to be a sad thing.

i think everyone's entitled to call the terms on which they're gonna live by. from how you live it to how you choose to end it, i say this is a decision that should be left to the individual. if for some reason someone is convinced that they don't want to live anymore, why should they feel forced to just because society says so?

i'm not trying to promote suicide either, especially if you got young kids or something like that. i would never personally try and convince someone to kill themselves. i'd never in a moment of giving advice to someone say, 'y'know what you need to do? just end it dude.' never!

and where i stand right now, that's just not how i'd roll personally. i wanna live! i wanna get old! but i don't know what the future's gonna bring me. i don't know what tragedies await me around the corner. maybe it's not even tragedy. maybe one day i'll find myself completely and utterly bored with everything and decide it'd be better to never awake than to be bored for one more minute.

i don't buy the 'going to hell' argument. that's an easy one for me cuz i don't believe in that sorta thing.

i also don't buy it when i hear suicide referred to as the coward's way out. i disagree. i think you gotta be brave as fuck to end your own life on your own terms. never mind the fact that everyone around you probably condemns it, it sorta goes against our instinctual nature to want to survive. to have that much gumption to do something like pull a trigger or jump off a bridge or purposely od on drugs.... that's a heavy decision with no second chance. i think you gotta be anything but a coward to pull it off.

when i first heard about dr.kevorkian, who professionally ended people's lives at their request for a fee, i was one of those dudes who was like, 'okay. little creepy but i see the logic in it.' some people don't wanna live any longer, so much so that there's a steady enough demand for it that kept someone employed.

bottom line, i think everyone's got a right to live their life however they see fit. dying is a part of living. choosing how you die counts. that's not out of bounds. there shouldn't be any penalty for that.

just make sure your affairs are in order. much like anything else, there's a right way and a wrong way of committing suicide. don't leave a mess behind. and that means any and all sorts of messes: physical, emotional, spiritual, financial. don't fuck over anyone else. maybe set aside a little money for burial purposes. be classy about it. it is your final act. don't go out as a douchebag.

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