Wednesday, November 27, 2013

thankful for thanksgiving shopping

this year i'm thankful for thanksgiving shopping. i'm not so thankful that it's a thing that you can do. i don't think anyone should go christmas shopping on thanksgiving. i find that kinda ridiculous. but i'm glad it's out there and it's something that's filled people with the urge to complain out loud. i enjoy seeing a bunch of people pissed off at the same thing. and it's so much sweeter when it actually has an effect on things. there are some stores that are refusing to open on thanksgiving. some are even advertising to let you know that they don't practice that nonsense. everyone complaining about it won't make it go away completely just yet, but it's a start. it's progress of some form.

i'm also thankful that this is a thing we get to complain about in modern america. we're fortunate enough that we're not complaining about a lack of clean water or warlords running our lives. there's a whole lotta pain and misfortune in the world and we've dodged the worst of it just by being here within these national borders. i'm not claiming that the whole american scene is a fairy tale for all. but we could have it a whole lot worse. i'm sure there's easily millions of people who would love to trade places with us and be able to wake up in a warm bed, log onto facebook on their smartphone, and complain about how much they hate stores opening on thanksgiving.

and finally i'm thankful that some people think christmas shopping on thanksgiving is a good idea. it's nice to know you're out there identifying yourself. if it were up to me, you'd have all the time in the world to shop because you'd be uninvited from all thanksgiving happenings anyways cuz you kinda suck at life and no one wants to spend quality time with you anyways. so go ahead and wait on lines, catch that sale, and yell at store employees who'd rather be anywhere than helping your dumbass. it's nice to know who you are and that you've outed yourself.

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