Wednesday, January 16, 2013

religion doesn't kill people. people kill people.

whenever someone kills someone else in the name of their god or religion, just know that i'm not buying it. it's a total cop out to take another human being's life and then try to blame it on something that we can't even prove is real. and if there is a god, and it's in the form you assume it to be, i'd imagine your god would be embarrassed by your behavior. didn't your god work real hard at this life thing for us? aren't we his/her masterpiece? why would you wanna destroy something your beloved creator created?

here's the thing... i think if we could somehow pretend there were no religions, we'd still have a bunch of douchebags running around looking for an excuse to end the lives of others. if it's not imaginary friends in the sky we're fighting over, it'd most likely be replaced by something a lot more real. it'd be the other typical stuff we fight about like land, money, resources, women, and who has the bigger, better looking penis. douchebags are always gonna be douchebags and they can't hide behind anything to conceal that. i'll never buy religion as an excuse for anyone's actions. the truth of the matter is that if you're a loving, peaceful person, you'll practice your religion in a loving, peaceful way. and if you're an awful person, you'll practice your religion in an awful way.

so i don't buy in when so called prominent atheists come out and say that if we had no religion at all, we'd have a lot more peace. oh, would i love to believe that, but i know people and a lot of them suck. there would still be shitty people without religion. in fact, i don't believe there is a shitty religion. i think all religions are blank canvases until their believers paint said canvases. religions only become shitty when shitty people start to practice them... which is unfortunate for said religion.

the same can be said about atheism. no way of life is free from douchebaggery. it's one thing not to believe in anything after you die, but it's another thing to try and rain on other people's parades and tell them what they believe is a lie. even if that's what you think, what do you care? all you're gonna do is infuriate others and inspire them to be angry. and then they'll end up doing something stupid. and then you'll blame it on their religion, but it's not their religion... it was your antagonizing. you were poking the bear and the bear don't like to be poked. so please, douchebag atheists, leave the bears alone.

people will always kill people. it's what we do. and though i sorta accept that as a terrible symptom of life, i don't condone it and i don't think we should just sit back and let the chips fall where they may. i do think we need to shift our priorities. we're quick to point fingers and look for scapegoats, and that's stupid. we're all influencing each other constantly and it's just a big ol' shit storm and if you look around a bit, why wouldn't people grow up to be shitty? it's not their religion. it's other shitty people. the only fix is for everyone to stop being so shitty. and if we did that, we'd probably eventually get to a place where we'd think, 'oh wow, religious people are alright. they're always being cool and not shitty. and non-religious people are alright as well cuz they're also always being cool and not shitty. everyone's alright.'

anyways, enough with this high falutin, idealistic banter. as you were. on with the body count.

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