Thursday, August 30, 2012

leave the replacement refs alone

the nfl is currently using replacement refs because the "legit" refs that usually officiate their games are in a labor dispute. there's not much talk or guesstimating on how long this could last. all that's known for sure is that as the official start of the regular season approaches, the nfl will be using the replacement refs for all games during week one.

and this might be a bummer to some people. a lot of fans, analysts, and the like have some harsh things to say about the replacement refs. sure, they are the watered down version as far as refs go. but i think it's a little much to give them a lot of grief for it. they are the dudes that are there and if they weren't there, there'd be no games at all.

and i get it. they make bad calls. they miss things. they could screw your team out of an important game. but let's not pretend that you had any love or warm feelings towards the refs that they're replacing. remember those guys? just last year? you bitched about them endlessly too. they also screwed your team last season. remember?

reffing is a tough job. i don't even know why anyone does it. the second you turn that mic on, you're gonna be boo'd by thousands. that's gotta suck. and it's not like they're not trying. in most cases, they probably are giving it their best. aaaaaand they're doing it for less pay than those other guys and they know that. you don't like the replacement refs? i'd be surprised if they liked you much either.

i wouldn't be surprised if before this whole thing ends one of them decides to turn a mic on and say something like, "offsides, 5 yard penalty, and ya'll can go fuck yourselves."  i wish they would. i'd show up with a poster that says, "TEAM REF," after that.

if you're bitching about replacement refs in nfl games, then i'm left to assume that your life is totally awesome. cuz if that's all you got to bitch about in a world gone berserk, congratulations. you're a winner at life. since you're a winner, shut the fuck up and stop whining. no one likes a whiny winner. the rest of us losers will key your car or throw eggs at your children.

or maybe you are a loser who has no perspective on things. maybe you also bitch about who gets booted off of big brother or whatever other awful reality/talent tv contest you watch on a weekly basis. to you i say, go to google, then go to news. now read from top to bottom. pay attention. give it a good hour or so of your time. if you come out of that still bitching about replacement refs in nfl games then not only do you suck at life, but you suck harder at it than those lowly replacement refs who just fucked your beloved football team out of the playoffs this year.

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