Thursday, July 12, 2012
daniel tosh, rape jokes, and why everybody's wrong
i'm wrong cuz i can't take shit serious for too long. we can talk about and debate this whole daniel tosh/rape joke controversy till we're all blue in the face. i'd almost prefer if we didn't though. i have a bad habit of not taking things as serious once the discussion's been tossed around to no end. i don't even know why people discuss it anymore. everyone steps up to the table with their opinion, says it, and nothing ever changes. no one has a change of mind or heart. i'm guilty of this as well.
daniel tosh is wrong for saying the words, "you know what would be funny? if like, five guys gang raped you right now (quick paraphrase cuz yes, i am too lazy to google the exact quote)." he said this in response to a "heckler" who blurted out, "rape jokes aren't funny," while he was telling rape jokes. the only problem i have with tosh on this one is the choice of words he used to bring the heckler down. i don't think tosh really wanted to see her get gang raped. but i can imagine if i was in the crowd, i'd probably cringe as the words came out of his mouth. that's me personally. but other than that, i support a comic's right to go after hecklers. cuz fuck hecklers.... the comic is the one on the stage performing, not you.
the heckler is wrong for heckling. if you don't like the material then get up and leave. go use the bathroom and come back. ignore it. don't blurt something out. comics hate that sorta thing and tend to be harsh no matter how rational you might think you sound at the moment.
people who say you shouldn't joke about rape are wrong. i don't believe in putting a limitation on things you can joke about. and in many ways, i think comedy's a great weapon to be used against the things we hate. y'know, things like hitler, religion, penn state, your ex-girlfriend, and rape. most times i think a comedian is anti-whatever the subject of the joke is. i definitely don't think daniel tosh is pro-rape.
people who can't understand why daniel tosh offends people (in this situation and well before) are also wrong. i totally support the right and freedom of people to be able to say whatever they want. i don't think we should have any limitations on speech, especially in a comedy club environment. that being said, i also believe in everyone's right to be offended and not like something someone else said and verbalize it. let's not insult our own intelligence and pretend we can't see why what he said that night wouldn't offend a ton of people.
so boom, there it is, everyone's wrong. so let's all hug this shit out and start again.
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