fuck celebrity worship
give it a rest. let it go. people you don't know personally are not worthy of your worship. you shouldn't love or adore anyone who can't love or adore you back. you definitely shouldn't admire or look up to individuals whom you have no access to behind closed doors. awesome movies, songs, tv shows, and sports teams are not enough on their own to make a person wholly who they are.
before this all went down, not a negative word was ever spoken about joe paterno anywhere (except that maybe he was too old and out of touch to coach). before this whole penn state scandal broke out, joe paterno was considered some universal measuring stick for class and sportsmanship and all around decency in college sports. but that's only because people knew what they saw on tv. he was the old dude who said he cared more about students' futures than championships. he had work ethic and determination. to many, he was considered the best coach in all of ncaa football history.
but once we got to see what was going on beyond the curtain, beyond the football field, things appeared clearer and uglier and way more gruesome than anyone could have probably imagined. joe paterno is a hero no more. he's the exact opposite. he's openly vilified and disliked... and with great reason. covering up a child sex abuse scandal is awful. and suddenly the character that is joe paterno has been given a whole new depth and no one admires him anymore.
this is why we shouldn't put our admiration into those we don't fully know. people you know only through tv and other forms of media are not your friends or family or heroes. we have plenty of people that can fill those roles in our actual, reach out and touch someone, lives. drop the celebrity worship. go out and love and admire the people in your lives. it's more enriching and real. and you'll probably have a better grasp of who these people are deep down inside... which in turn should lessen the chances of them disappointing you in the end.
second universal truth:
fuck ANYBODY who covers up a sex scandal, especially one that involves children.
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