Monday, January 9, 2012


awkward. you can't stop it. awkward happens. life is full of awkward moments and we're usually never given much of a break before that next awkward moment in life arrives.

so when i say anti-awkward... i'm not anti-something that can never be stopped. that'd be as ridiculous as claiming to be something like anti-gravity. it's a thing in nature we're forced to deal with.

however, what i am against is those who refer to themselves as awkward for whatever reason... maybe it's cuz they feel out of place or maybe they think it's cute or hip. maybe it's all part of the dork pride movement. and dorks, i'm with you brothas, i'm one of you. but some people take it too far and refer to themselves as awkward and i think awkward is one of those things you should never aspire to be.

to feel awkward is to feel out of place in the world and in turn feel overly self conscious about it. being out of place with the world is nothing to be ashamed of. if there's something about you that makes you different or odd, you should wear that shit like a badge of honor. don't let the status quo of your environment around you get you down.

the world needs you. if it wasn't for the odd and the out of place, the world would be a way more boring place. everyone would be a copy of a copy of a copy and we'd all be the same boring thing.

it's a bigger shame to put effort into trying to be like everyone else. trying to fit in is bullshit and yet it seems like everyone's doing it.

deep down inside no one fits in and we're all uniquely fucked up in our own crazy ways. bravo to those who flaunt it. you are secretly the toast of those around you who are too scared to act out of step with the rest of the world.

don't be awkward. be weird. be different. be loud. be proud. be you unapolgetically.

the ones that should be apologetic are those who repress who they are all for the sake of fitting in. that's gotta be awkward.

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