Thursday, December 15, 2011

observations about life on the eve of my 32nd birthday

today's been a bit of an off day.

i had to go to court for the whole brooklyn bridge incident (i was part of a mass arrest on the brooklyn bridge a few months back with the 'occupy wall st.' movement). i had to take a day off of work to go. i get there only to find out that the cop who filled out my summons wrote the wrong time. he wrote 2pm and it was supposed to be at 9am. the judge in charge of the case left for the day and i was told i'd have to go back first thing tomorrow, in the AM.

so that means i'll have to miss more work (i'll have to go in late, i can't really take another full day off of work) and i have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn (5:30am) to make this shit happen.

the whole thing sucks. and i was pissed about it. but a few hours have passed and i'm over it now. there's a fucked up lesson in here somewhere.

the thing is, shit ain't perfect. the world's an imperfect place that will never stop throwing obstacles in my direction, no matter how well i plan things out. it's little shit like this that keeps me on my toes. does it suck? yes. but it's just another opportunity to prove that i know how to suck it up and deal with it.

that's what life is. deal with it. constantly. moments of pure rest are few and far between. no use crying about it either. that'll just make shit worse. jump the hurdle, finish the race, and get back to training for the next one.

cuz if you're not being challenged by life, what are you doing? are you really living if you're constantly on easy street? if you're not overcoming problems how can you put any real value on anything of substance in life? shitty situations help teach us how to appreciate the good stuff in life.

so cancel the pity parade cuz it's the lamest parade in town.

and now that you've done that and stopped being a total mope about everything, now you can fucking enjoy stuff! you see how that works?

yea stuff sucks, the world sucks, and it's all rigged against you. but knowing that, how much more awesome does that make it when you are actually having a good time? whether it's time with friends and/or family or pursuing whatever hobby it is you like to pursue, how great is it to be able to know that you've successfully dealt with enough bullshit for the time being that you can now kick back and enjoy life?

that's how i see it anyways... i don't think you can enjoy life much until you deal with all the bullshit in front of you first. deal with that, get it over and done with, and now you can party or do whatever it is you do to have a good time.

and when you do party, party hard motherfucker! i think everyone sets their own parameters for what a good time is. so go out and chase that good time while you can. don't let anyone else tell you what is or isn't fun. just go get after it.

that's life.... bullshit + cool shit. that's about it. deal with one, enjoy the other.

and if that's not good enough for you, just be glad you're not dead. you got all of eternity to go be dead. do the right thing and live up the space of time you've for some crazy, unknown reason been given to occupy. occupy it right.


don't be a baby.
don't be an asshole.
don't be a douchebag.

cuz all 3 options above are pitiful ways to spend your time and you're only causing yourself a disservice by following any of these paths.

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