Monday, August 22, 2011

the falling sky always inspires giving a fuck

there was an incident at work today where a tile fell from the ceiling in a co worker's office. it was very random. i was filling up on water at the water cooler and in the office left to me, it just happened without warning. there were 3 people in the office at the time but luckily none of them got hurt. not only did a square tile fall, but a steel object of some sort fell as well.

across the hall is an executive's office. and today was a really crazy day at the office and there just happened to be a whole lot of management in his office at the time. they all stopped what they were doing and ran over to make sure everyone was okay.

it was this odd little moment that struck me. here was an office full of management probably up to their ears in inner office issues trying to resolve the crisis of the day. but just like that, they all dropped the management motif and became a little more human than usual. it was instantly more important to make sure everyone was okay, that nobody got hurt.

and i'm not faulting our management for having a meeting or being too manager-ish. it comes with the position. but it's odd how compassion comes out of people when bad shit's happening. it's not like the management team walks around all day making sure every one's okay and feeling good.

and that just kinda sparked a chain reaction of thought in my brain where i thought how it's odd that most people start giving a fuck usually when it's almost too late to give a fuck. when a tragedy happens, then we care. then we're charitable and volunteering.

but giving a fuck is usually unfashionable till that moment. most people rush through life not giving a fuck about anything... well except for maybe themselves and their own personal gains. but otherwise it's a whole lotta 'fuck the world around you.' dog eat dog. every man/woman for him/herself.

and not giving a fuck about anything is great until shit happens in your yard. when it's your family, your close friends, your own self that you find suffering, who will come out and show some compassion? we all hit lows where sometimes something as simple and stupid as a hug could change the mood of the moment.

i can't get mad at people who choose not to give a fuck 100% of the time. but i don't think those people are out there. if there are, they're few and far between. i think everyone's got that ability to give a fuck. so why not let it shine? why not loudly and proudly give a fuck about stuff?

why isn't giving a fuck cooler than it is? if giving a fuck matters when the sky is falling, i think giving a fuck should always matter.

i guess what i'm really trying to say, to sum it up in 4 words:

go give a fuck.

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