Sunday, July 31, 2011

the best and the worst in people (observations from a lake)

i tend to do some people watching at the lake by me. i can't help it. while jogging, walking, or just chilling, sometimes, and usually when i'm by myself, it's just the natural way that time goes by. and recently i've seen the best and worst in people.

the best:
dudes selling bottled water for $1. that's a fair deal. whenever i go to jog, i never take my wallet with me, but i always grab a dollar before leaving the house so i'm not out of luck if i pass a water dude. there's more than 1 dude and i don't know if there's any affiliation at all between the different water dudes. and i'm not even sure if it's legal, though as far as illegal goes, that would have to be the lamest of crimes. dudes are hooking it up in my eyes. the heat's been killer lately, 90's-100's for the past week. that's some brutal jogging weather. nothing hits the spot after those jogs like some cold water... there's just nothing better at that moment. so thanks water selling dudes. i will gladly cough up $1 every time i see you and consider it the smartest of purchases i make.

and i'm all for this kind of consumerism. forget going to get your llc or permit or what have you. just show up at a lake with a backpack stuffed with cold waters. the demand is there. and it's not like the park the lake is in tries to do anything as accommodating. the lake area is begging for a snack bar of some sort. it'd make a killing in the summer and probably in the spring and fall as well. they could and probably would charge $2 for a bottle of water and people would gladly cough up some money for that... plus whatever else they sell... ice cream, hot dogs, and whatnot. but the park doesn't do this. so whatever park, we don't need you for hydration, we got the water selling dudes.

the worst:
kids throwing rocks at the turtles. i jogged past these two kids the other day and they were scheming on throwing rocks at turtles in the lake. when it's hot out, all the turtles like to chill on the rocks that go above the lake's surface. so it's like a pile on of turtles. they're not hurting nobody. they're just chilling. as i came around a corner towards these kids, they got quiet and waited for me to pass. but i knew what they were up to.

i wish the turtles could throw rocks back. i don't know who deserves to get rocks thrown at them more, these 2 stupid kids, or their parents. get out of here with that! go throw rocks at each other rug rats. i wait and hope for the day when the turtles get their chance at revenge. not sure how they would accomplish this, but i hope it has something to do with turtles of the teenage mutant ninja assortment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL!!! I would have said something to those kids. I love people inspired me to make blog and I joined here.