Saturday, May 17, 2014

stuff about today

i have a cough. but just a cough, nothing else. no runny watery eyes. the cough is the only symptom i have. it's odd cuz when i get sick, it's usually more than that. i don't know if i should be grateful that i'm only sorta sick or if i should be miserable cuz sick is sick regardless. cuz being sick usually makes me miserable. it brings out the baby in me. but in a way, it also helps me appreciate life more... not life at the moment, but life when i'm not sick. when i'm feeling good, life's okay and having a persistent cough reminds me of that and leaves me impatient for the next time i'll wake up, "feeling good."

my bank cancelled my debit/credit card on me yesterday. i found out because my card declined at the vending machine at work. my bank called me  two hours after that to inform me that my information was included in some kinda fraud situation and they had to cancel my card immediately. and while i'm glad that my bank took swift action so that i wouldn't find myself a victim (it was precautionary. nothing was ever charged to my account), i'm a little unimpressed with their game plan after they cancelled my card. i won't get a new one for another 7-10 business days.

so this morning i wake up to find out my phone's been shut off because i have my account on an auto pay system that's connected to the card my bank cancelled on me yesterday. not wanting to get stuck not having a phone until my next debit card arrives, i decided to go to my local bank and get an atm card so i can withdraw cash and a visa gift card so i can pay for things online. i used said gift card to pay for my cell phone online but that declined at first. i had to call customer service to get it resolved which didn't take long, but still, the whole thing's been sorta annoying.

i was late to work as a result but that didn't matter because my job's a mess as of late and it's like no one even notices when i'm not around. i have to go out of my way to tell superiors i was late today. and it's not like i was trying to get one over on them. it's just that my phone was disconnected. i actually had no way to get in touch with them. so i just strolled in ten minutes after i was supposed to be there.

i'm sure there was some kinda karma in play though because eventually one of my "favorite" managers gave me a project at 5pm. i leave at 6:30pm. it's friday. at 5pm the office has pretty much gone on full slacker mode and here i was working on a project harder than i've been working on anything all week. i'm not mad that i have to work. i'm just mad that i'm stuck doing a project that probably could've been handed to me two days ago to give me more time. but whatever... i didn't finish it. i have to finish it monday. and i hate that... i hate walking away knowing i left something unfinished, but i had no choice. so i told myself that i can't leave work thinking about it all weekend. i gotta walk out the door and completely forget about the place.

lucky for me, i was on my way to tell jokes at a cafe in hoboken. stand up is a great distraction. i have to focus so much on what i'm gonna say, how i'm gonna say it, and so on and so forth. gotta have a solid plan before attacking a stage. just one of the many benefits of stand up comedy. semi-awesome thing happened during my set... i started talking about god in a not so flattering way, and the door of the cafe was open and suddenly you could hear the rain start coming down waaaaaay harder. if there's a man upstairs, he was heckling me. if that's the case, i guess that's sorta okay... it's a sign on a sense of humor. it's hard enough for me to believe in a god at all... i don't wanna think of the possibility of a grand creator of everything that doesn't have a sense of humor.

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