Sunday, December 29, 2013

george zimmerman on twitter

if you were wondering who the biggest douchebag on twitter is these days, the answer is no longer chris brown. that award now goes to george zimmerman... y'know that guy who killed trayvon martin and got away with it? he finally found an outlet to speak to the public, and what a lucky public we are to have him out there making the internet a shittier place than it was before... a task that i thought was near impossible. but he did it.

he's not overly popular. sure, he's got more followers than me, but not too many, somewhere around 2500. and i feel it's pretty safe to assume that a decent percentage follow him ironically. but some of those people are actual fans. george zimmerman has a fan base. that's a thing that exists and is real. and if you read over some of his tweets, he seems to enjoy reminding everyone that he has supporters. sometimes he retweets them. sometimes he thanks them for being so supportive. that's when he's not busy quoting the bible cuz that's a thing he does... a lot.

and what church wouldn't be proud to have him? he's such a great example at turning your other cheek and whatnot. a true disciple of the lord. what would jesus do? pack heat and end a life i suppose. must be a missing chapter that never made the final cut. i'm not one for gods and afterlives, but i'd have a really hard time accepting a heaven that would have him. then again, he'd probably be a total buzzkill in the eternal hellfire heavy metal party that is hell.

anyways, if you're looking for a shitty time on the internet, and proof that sometimes the bad guys win, take a visit on over to twitter and give @therealgeorgez a read. maybe say something obnoxious or rude to him. i'm sure he'll forgive you for your transgression or if you're really lucky, he'll include you in what i imagine is his daily prayer ritual of thanking whatever creator decided he should get away with murder.

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