Friday, May 31, 2013

you can't bomb mother nature

you can't bomb mother nature. you can't point missiles at the sky and fire away. we can't observe what mother nature's done to us and use that as a rally cry for warfare. human beings are quick to fix problems with war. we assume we can go to war with anything. but we can't go to war against nature. there's no battlefield. it's a nonexistent option. in this one specific case, war no longer exists.

way i see it, we have two choices.

we can try and learn from our mistakes and see what we've done to negatively affect our surroundings and get our homo sapien asses in gear and start to treat the planet better. start making sacrifices. cut back on pollution and depletion of resources. plant more trees, reuse and recycle... y'know, all that happy hippie tree hugging stuff. i know this all sounds a little hokey but it's really the only option that can enhance any chance of survival.

the other choice is to just keep going on as we have. ignore the warning signs. debate whether global warming is real or not. keep on with the polluting and depleting. this is the easier option and in my estimation, based on what i know about humans from my 33 years of experience dealing with them, is the more likely option we'll choose. if this is our choice, things will continue to get worse. we'll never see progress. eventually we'll make earth uninhabitable to humans and we'll either have to fuck off to another planet or go the way of the dinosaurs.

it seems like as a species, we're wired to think that if we can't bomb the problem and make it go away, we'll just learn to adapt and live with it somehow. and that's stupid. we need to lace up our boots and start treating the planet better. but that takes effort and energy and sacrifice and that's all very hard.

the lesson that should be learned here is that war should never be the first go-to option. maybe we should assess situations and see how we can improve our relations with whatever it is that's bothering us. drug culture, terrorism, that shit's never going away. and neither is mother nature. at least drug culture and terrorism will die with us once mother nature puts us out of our misery. but mother nature's gonna live on. she don't give a fuck. she doesn't need us. we need her.

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