Wednesday, May 1, 2013

hope in a world shared with the westboro baptist church

this in no way is a defense of the westboro baptist church (wbc). what they believe and what they do are deplorable on levels much deeper than most any other person or organization could ever attempt to reach. all i ever hear in reference to the wbc is negative. i never hear of anyone supporting them. they just seem to be this self sufficient organization of hate that doesn't need outside support to keep going.

it's this shared disdain that everyone else has for the wbc that gives me hope. i don't think anything's been disliked this unanimously since adolph hitler and nazis. we all have different points of view, especially when it comes to morality and ethics. there's a whole lot we all disagree upon. but no one seems to disagree about this, the wbc is awful and stupid. and if we can all agree upon that, then maybe humanity does stand some semblance of a chance of getting along. no matter where we go or what we do, we all know that whoever we encounter along the way almost assuredly thinks the wbc sucks.

and i think the wbc helps in other ways that they haven't intended. as they run around pulling stunts like protesting the funerals of dead soldiers, cuz y'know... gay people, it's getting harder and harder to be homophobic. what, you don't like gay people? that's so wbc! if you take a good look at yourself and can honestly see similarities between you and the wbc, that should be as good a wake up call as any to snap out of it and be the better person you know you can be (some children have grown up in the church only to grow up, leave the church, and condemn it publicly).

when it comes to prejudice, sometimes all we need is for some ridiculous group of douchebags to congregate waaaaay out in the spotlight for all the world to see so we can all point and laugh. and then once the laughter has settled down, maybe we can share a realization that the prejudices this group symbolizes are irrational, unintelligent, and all sorts of ugly. and who would willingly wanna invest their mind and/or heart into a thing like that? in the end, i hope we take a good shared look at the wbc and decide it's time to evolve and leave the weak mind frame it takes to be part of such stupidity dead in the past, never to take human form again.

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