Friday, February 1, 2013

even pastors shouldn't use god's name in vain

(a note from the editor- josh doesn't study his shit very well and it was brought to his attention after the fact that the person this post is about is a woman and not a man. josh is too lazy to go through the blog and edit it and besides, he fears too many alterations would take away from the original passion that he crammed into every single word. so, his bad, and please enjoy.)

have you heard the one about the pastor who went into an applebee's and didn't tip the waitress? no? well here's a link if you want to study up on it... cuz that's what this here blog is pretty much all about today.

and if you don't wanna read it and you just wanna see the picture of the check cuz you're lazy like that, well, i don't blame you, so here it is:

applebees god receipt

so this dude went out of his way to scratch out the $6.29, write a '0' in additional tip and sign it with the title, 'pastor.' i could turn this into a rant about how there's no scientific evidence that this pastor's god even exists and that the 10% he tithes to his lord is already a suspect investment of money. meanwhile, here's a waitress, as real as any other human being, in front of you serving you food and you're gonna use your invisible friend to dodge the tip. but i'm not gonna turn this into one of those rants.

not today. today i'm gonna play nice and give this pastor the benefit of the doubt. i'm gonna assume that god exists in the exact form the pastor believes he exists. which i think makes it safe to assume that this is a god who instructed the world to not use his name in vain. for those of you who don't know what the word, 'vain,' means, here's the definition:

  1. Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.
  2. Producing no result; useless: "a vain attempt to sleep".

this pastor absolutely nails definition 1. he went as far as to rub his title of, 'pastor,' all up in the waitress's face. obviously he thinks just because he gives to his church that he's too good, too high and mighty, too worthy to leave a tip.

i think he nails definition 2 pretty well also. god probably couldn't feel any more useless than being used as an excuse to not leave a tip.

already we know this pastor is full of shit and a big ol' hypocrite. this whole thing isn't very christian of him. where's the ever warm love of god we hear so much about? i'm almost positive what the pastor did in this situation is not an appropriate answer to the question, 'what would jesus do?'

but my personal favorite part of all of this is knowing that this pastor is ashamed of himself. a waitress takes a picture, puts it on the net, and it goes viral. all of the sudden everybody knows what a no good, no tipping, hypocrite he is. now he's furious. he's mad at the waitress. he's mad at the staff. he's mad at the management. he's so mad at everyone else, he doesn't leave much anger to point at himself for being the dude who left no tip in the first place. leaving no tip was no big deal when it was a secret between him and the waitress. but as soon as she shared it with everyone else this pastor went on the tear. he's not really mad at the waitress. he's not mad that it went viral. he's mad that the secret is out and everyone knows. he flipped out cuz he's full of shame.

someone got fired because of this and that's fucked. i wonder if this pastor prays for her to find a job in her time of need. no matter what he does, at least we all know what a douche he is now. let this be a lesson... anything you do, you should be willing to do in front of millions. every time you do something, what you should really ask yourself, instead of, 'WWJD,' is, 'what if this went viral?' let that be your moral compass. cuz if not leaving a tip was good enough when it was only you and the waitress that were in on it, then it should be good enough when the whole world finds out.

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