Friday, January 25, 2013

filling out forms. standing in lines.

i applied for a passport today. as much as i wanted a passport so i could have that, 'i can go anywhere i want,' feeling, i wasn't looking forward to the whole process of getting the passport. anything that involves filling out forms and standing in lines usually blows. and this occasion didn't disappoint.

i could bore you with all the details. but that turned out to be three boring paragraphs so i deleted them and started this again. all you need to know is that it involved me having to go back home and make a second trip and it was more inconvenient than it was convenient. and that bothers me. there's all these things we have to do like get passports, and driver's licenses, and go to (or call) unemployment. and it's all sorta a pain in the ass. and it doesn't just stop there with the branches of government. doctors and car dealerships have rooms designated for waiting and filling out forms. everywhere you turn, everywhere you have to go, someone is pushing a form in your face and asking you to take a number. it sucks.

something's got to give. it's 2013. it's the future damn it! we have all these gadgets and apps and devices that help make everything around us convenient. it's time for anything that involves forms and lines to follow suit. where's my passport app? where's my app that lets me fill out and keep on file all the medical mumbo jumbo before i show up at my doctor's office?

some people pine for flying cars or hover boards. not me. all i want is to never wait on a line again. all i want is a way for me to fill out all the forms from the comfort of my home. i wanna be able to click on an 'ok' button and receive an email a moment later telling me that my passport, or my license, or whatever it is i'm trying to get is on its way. i never have to leave home to go sit in a place somewhere with a bunch of other miserable fuckers ever again. that's the future i always envisioned.

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