Monday, October 1, 2012

stop making fun of lady gaga

i keep seeing and reading things here and there on the internet claiming that lady gaga put on weight. i read a story somewhere that her label or her management or whatever over intrusive party wanted her to lose weight. cuz that's what makes the music, right? if lady gaga's not thin, the sound changes... cuz that's how music works, of course.

it doesn't matter who you are... even if you happen to be the biggest pop star in the world. if lady gaga and jay-z decided to dedicate the next five years of their lives to eating deep fried twinkies, who gives a fuck? if they're happy, why can't everyone else mind their own shit. you like skinny? go be skinny. don't throw that shit on everyone else.

anyone who would even make a comment about lady gaga's weight immediately reveals the depths of their own shallowness. and when you put it into perspective, this is about way more than just lady gaga. this is the judgmental world we live in. for fuck's sake, drop the magazines, turn off the tv, and get the fuck off the internet. go outside. get some fresh air. live your life and go do what you gotta do so that you feel beautiful to yourself. cuz the more you trap yourself inside the confines of what "they" think is sexy, the more of a prisoner you become. you're just a sucker who believes there's nothing more to the human experience than being pretty by some set of bullshit standards other people made up.

see behind the bullshit. beautiful doesn't have a weight requirement. whether it's lady gaga or your next door neighbor... stop casting your shallow, uninformed judgments on everyone else. don't you see how miserable you've become? when you have nothing better to do than mock a pop star for how they appear on tv.... you've lost grip of your own reality. turn the tv off. go outside. breath. for fuck's sake, what's wrong with you???

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