Monday, April 30, 2012

tom waits songs

every tom waits song is oddly and imperfectly beautiful. every song sounds like it was raised from the dirt and thrown out into the basking sun only to be sabotaged by an unforeseen rainstorm. and yet, every tom waits song embraces the rain and decides to dance in it while everyone else gawks at it from inside the dry safety of the house.

'what a weirdo,' is the familiar proclamation.

and that's fine cuz a tom waits song doesn't need acceptance of its peers to thrive. somehow, someway, tom waits songs find their way to the ears of those who appreciate. and every so often the sound is delivered to the ears of giants...

bruce springsteen
the eagles
rod stewart
scarlett johansson

i'm pretty sure when tom waits goes out to make music, he follows his own odd little heart and whether there is appreciation by the masses or not, nothing can take away the painstaking amount of heart that is injected into each song.

life should be more like a tom waits song. stop aiming for the billboards. put down the hand sanitizer and play in the dirt for a while. the dirt... that's where we came from. that's where we end up again, much like tom waits songs, enjoying their brief existence in a most oddly imperfect and beautiful way.

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