Thursday, March 8, 2012

karaoke therapy

karaoke is therapy.

if you allow yourself to let go and get into it, fun will be had. you will have a good time. you will smile. you will attain happiness... even if it's temporary and disappears right after. but hey, i'm not advocating a cure all in karaoke.. i'm recommending a great way to get off your ass and have a guaranteed good time.

everyone's singing. most people probably choose to do their singing in the privacy of their home or car or wherever other people can't hear them. and that's fine... totally understandable... some people aren't good singers, and some people are but lack the right amount of confidence. but even if you suck at singing, you still enjoy doing it... even if it's only when you're alone.

in a way, everyone's already practicing the sacred art of karaoke. they just don't do it in a bar or club where other people can hear them.

(and if you don't sing at all, even when you're totally alone... you seriously need to start singing... get to it. you'll thank me later.)

so if everyone's doing it, let's all do it together. the beauty of karaoke is you don't have to be "good" at singing to do it. you can be average, below average... whatever... karaoke's not a talent contest. karaoke's all about having fun.

and if there's anyone out there that tries to ruin it and turn it into anything more than that.. either by comparing singers or insulting singers.. that's their own loss and makes them lousy people who don't know how to let loose and have fun.

whether you drink or prefer to stay sober... on karaoke night everyone's out for the same reason. people love to sing to their favorite songs. so go do it. you were probably gonna do it anyways at some point by yourself. but karaoke is definitely one of those 'the more, the merrier,' type situations. so go, sing. find out for yourself.

karaoke is therapy and i'm prescribing it to all. you're welcome.

1 comment:

Albert Lui - Photography said...

Karaoke is awesome!!!! Even as a spectator.