Thursday, March 22, 2012

fighting cliches: the 'you only live once' edition

saying 'you only live once' shouldn't be a license to do anything and everything there is to do. if you find yourself in a situation where someone wants you to do something that you don't wanna do, like say drugs, sexual acts, a really crazy roller coaster, or going to a celine dion concert.... if you don't wanna do whatever it may be, the other person should refrain from saying something like, 'c'mon! you only live once!' as if that's some valid type of argument that should automatically persuade you to change your position on the matter.

yea i only live once (i assume anyways... but hey, different topic for a different day). but you're wrong if you think bringing that to my attention is gonna somehow convince me to do something i don't wanna do.

and i can flip that shit easily. yea i do only live once. since i only live once, i'm gonna do what i wanna do and only what i wanna do and not what other people want me to do. since i only live once, i'm gonna live my life trying to avoid pressure from others who are trying to coerce me into doing shit i don't wanna do.

if all we do is live once, we should live our lives to our own idea of fulfillment. we all got different ideas and concepts of what that might be... and that's totally cool. different strokes for different folks, right? (always fight off one cliche with another.)

what's not cool in the only life we live is getting on each other's backs and constantly trying to convince each other to do shit we don't wanna do. so get off my back, you're bringing me down! and if you're only gonna live once, i'm pretty sure you don't wanna go down being known as that kind of asshole.

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