Wednesday, February 22, 2012

babies and shit

my friends roy and liz just had a baby today. boom, just like that. they created a whole other person and they are now responsible for that baby's life for at least as long as they can care for her till they get really old and she in turn has to take care of them.

my circle of friends are late bloomers all across the board. baby creating isn't very frequent. marriage is probably even less frequent. i see other people my age in other circles elsewhere that seem light years ahead of me. like at age 32 i should be knee deep in grade school shit already... thinking about saving funds for college and a bigger place to live cuz child number 2, 3, or 4 is on the way.

and i'm not begrudging them cuz their ahead of me and i'm not begrudging myself cuz i'm behind them.

but sometimes i wonder... when i'm out doing things like barhopping and enjoying myself and all the freedom the life of not parenting can provide, is the tide of marriage and baby having on its way? will roy and liz be just the beginning of a baby boom among people i know? will all our children grow up together and form a gang and take over schools and playgrounds and shit? cuz that'd be pretty cool.

i don't know... this blog's pretty pointless cuz everyone should do things at their pace and i have no instruction, philosophy, or wisdom to gauge when is the right time for whatever... for all i know, there is no gauge for a right time... shit just happens and you roll with it and it'll never be easy to explain.

i hope for all the best for roy and liz and their daughter alice. i look forward to being around friends and their children and watching them grow up. hopefully some of the rest of us can get to the procreating soon (i'm pointing the finger at everyone but me, cuz i know my role... awesome uncle!) so alice has friends close in age and can do that whole, 'take over the playground' thing. cuz if there's one thing i know about life, the more the merrier!


Unknown said...


Albert Lui - Photography said...

Good luck and congratulations to you as well, my friend.

When are you and Snooki expecting?

3square said...

I don't like the whole "they're ahead, I'm behind" thing. It's not a race (well maybe it is) but you don't cross the finish line when you've amassed 2.5 kids & a mortgage. At least, that's not the finish line for everyone.
That being said, more babies!