Wednesday, May 19, 2010

why i'll never own a dog

i saw this dude walking his dog yesterday. it was raining a bit, a light drizzle really. the dude's dog does his business... poops on the sidewalk. instead of tending to it, the dog's owner just keeps walking, leaving a big ol' steaming pile of dog poop to melt in the rain.

i wanna say i can see where this dude's coming from, that i can see why he didn't pick the poop up. but i just don't. this dude should not own a dog if he's not ready to play by the rules.

the main reason owning a dog doesn't appeal to me is the maintenance issue. they're so much work. i know this sounds lazy... but i am what i am, and knowing that, i can't deal with no dog.

but the difference between me and this dude is that i at least had the foresight to know that i would end up being just like him. getting lazy, thinking, 'eh, forget it.' especially when it's raining.

and that's just not cool. i know poop sucks. there's no joy in it. but it's part of the sacrifice. if you're not willing to pick up poop off the floor in all sorts of weather and circumstances, then owning a dog is not for you.

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