Thursday, January 28, 2010

i won't blog about work

i'll never blog about work. no matter what happens, how funny, how traumatic, how awesome, or how tragic... work related junk will never make it to my blog.

it's not that i hate my job. in fact, it's almost the exact opposite. the thing is, i like having a job. it's my bread and butter and it helps to keep clothes on my back, my belly full, and the bills paid. it's a pretty sweet deal and i don't wanna fuck that up.

i don't wanna slip and write something that's in conflict of interest with my employment. maybe i'll slip a slur against a boss or co-worker (i love you guys, all of you, yes even the smelly one!!!). maybe i'll say something proprietary or complain about something i shouldn't. i don't think many important people at my job read my blog, but hey, you never know. if i was them, i'd read it. gotta be more interesting than boring corporate memos.

it's too bad. i got a ton of great work related shit to write about. oh well, guess you'll never know..... unless..... well, the only way i could blog about work is if you all make me really, really famous! then i can be rich, quit my job, and write a tell all book that i could sell for the low, low price of $45.99.

*in case i do get famous, don't hold me to the whole writing a book thing. i'm way too lazy for that.

**however, if i do get famous, here's 3 promises you can hold me to:

-i'll live somewhere warm all the time
-my place will be cleaner cuz i'll pay someone to clean it
-i still won't dress fancy-like

***i did a spell check and didn't mess up proprietary. go me.

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