Saturday, December 26, 2009

the end of christmas!! (Dec 25th ain't so bad!!)

bah humbug!

well, not really. i'm not a total grinch when it comes to this time of year.

i don't like christmas. but i do like december 25th. and i totally don't think they're the same thing.

christmas is supposed to be a birthday for jesus christ. the party has obviously gotten out of hand. it's turned into the only birthday i know of where everyone except the birthday boy gets gifts (you'd think that totally sucks if it happened on your birthday).

if you don't want to celebrate jesus's birthday, then i don't think you should celebrate christmas.

but if you still feel like celebrating something, then by all means go ahead! just call it something else, like... i don't know... december 25th?? and try not to ruin it for the rest of us. i don't see any reason why grown adults should be buying each other gifts. we didn't do anything to deserve it. just take that $25 you were about to spend on me, keep it for yourself, and buy yourself something nice, and i'll do the same. deal? i hope so (tis the season for hope).

gift giving to kids is still acceptable. gifts make kids happy and everyone likes happy kids. so keep on with the gift giving for kids! and keep on with the great, far fetched fable of a man who travels the world in one night to deliver it to them. if you wanna blow tons of money on your children just to not get credit for it in the end, then that's totally cool with me.

i don't wanna suck all the joy out of this day. i actually like december 25th. so keep on with it! there's usually get togethers with family and friends, awesome food, drinks, good convo, laughter, good sports games on tv, lights, decorations, egg nog, and happy children! so many reasons to keep december 25th going, so go for it!

and on that note, i hope everyone had a great december 25th!! many more happy december 25th's to all!

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