Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a josh survey from myspace (originally posted Mon. Jan 19th, 2009)

What's your name? Josh the somewhere below midlevel office drone

Did you get laid last night? none of your business survey!

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? prep work for myspace surveys

What were you doing 30 minutes ago? pretending to work

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? annoying co worker

Ever kissed someone who smokes? if someone were smoking, i would first tell them to stop, drop, and roll and i'd help attempt to put the fire out.

Are you a jealous person? only when i'm almost certain that someone has it better than me, and usually if they worked hard for it and earned it.

Did you have a good birthday last year? only the parts i remember

Are you tired right now? no, i'm Josh the somewhere below midlevel office drone

What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual relationships? go gay! less competition for me!!

Last text says Sent? "How awesome am i?"
" Received? "There's no fair system of measurement that justifies your magnitude of awesomeness.

Is your hair curly? no, i believe that was one of the stooges.

Last person to be in a car with? can't mention names! all i can say is we were pulled over and i never seen anyone give the cops the business like that.

Do you like bananas? except for their shape.

Your favorite thing to drink on a hot summer day? the tears of my enemies

Are you happy? yes.... it is my ultimate fulfillment in life to fill out pointless myspace surveys to be ignored on bulletin boards by the people i call my friends

If you could change one thing about your past, without it changing every other aspect of your life, what would it be ? i did make the change... cuz i had a different answer for this question originally, but then i deleted it and put this answer here instead.

Are you happy with where you are in life, at this time? i live to shine under flourescent lights in an office that is totally grey.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, without costing an arm and leg it would be? portland, oregon.

Are you the type of person who prefers one or two close friends, or lots of acquaintances? i have lots of friends and one or two acquaintances

Are you still friends with anyone you went to school with? no, i try to trade my old friends in for new ones every 3-4 years... kinda like a car or a political administration.

If you and one friend were asked to be on a reality TV show,​who would you take with you? EAAAASY QUESTION!!! ONEYDA ALL THE WAY!! REALITY TV WOULD FUCKIN LOVE ONEYDA!!! me and oneyda already have an idea for our own awesome reality show.

In which order should beer,liquor, and wine be in? alphabetical

If you could have a date with any celebrity, who would it be and what would you do? sarah palin. shoot stuff.

Do you think you can love someone without trusting them? i can't trust anyone without loving them.

Do you believe it is possible to be in love with someone you've never actually spent time with? sure, i also believe in sugar plum fairies, pixie dust, flying pigs, greek mythology, spider-man, honest politicians, and soulmates.

Do you believe in soulmates? looks like i took care of this one already.

If your partner was unable to have sex due to illness or injury, would you stay with them? if there's a will, there's a way!!!

Star Wars or Star Trek? Rocky

Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? the only bears for me are the gummy ones.

Do you plan on moving in the next year? no, i'm going to attempt to sit still and do nothing all year.

Do you like Quiznos? is this survey like some marketing scam for quiznos??? they put all these other bs questions out here but what they really wanna know is, if you like their product.

Where did you get your last bruise from? mittens is always scratching me in my sleep damn it!!

Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them sleep over ur house?i usually would say my house... BUT for the right type of bed, i might reconsider.

Who is in your house right now besides you? i'm not in my house. mittens and gizmo are there holding it down. my super might be in there with the building inspector who's supposed to come by today.
hope they don't steal none of my valuables!!!

Have you ever thought you were gonna die? yeah but now that i realize i'm immortal, i'm over it.

How do you like your steak? a lot

Have your parents seen your MySpace page?i doubt it, but you never know.

What are you listening to? one of the two hiphop stations in ny. not sure, madeline's got the radio.

Where were you at 2:02 a.m. getting pulled over by cops.

Is the sun shining? somewhere

If someone looked on your bed, what would they find?​Blankets, pillows, and possibly a cat or two.

When was the last time you saw a cop? 2:02am last night

Are you waiting for something? change, i hear we're supposed to get a whole bunch of that tomorrow.

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