Monday, July 24, 2017

Pizza and Pop Podcast, Episode 11: Dance Music

Host Josh Wells and panel discuss dancing, dance music, clubs, dj's, dress codes, the Chicken Dance, Funk Master Flex, and more.

Kasey Coresh- hates the Chicken Dance
AJ Dunk-only one meeting the dress code requirements
Rob Garrison- funky white boy

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pizza and Pop Episode 10: Bands We Hate That Everyone Else Loves

Host Josh Wells and panel discuss the bands they hate that everyone else seems to love. We also learn that Jason Alexander was in a Nickelback video and make plans to go to a Jimmy Buffet tailgate (but not concert) and a Norwegian forest to watch black metal.

This week's panel:
Cha- great singer
Carlos- hates the United Kingdom
Hakeem- the most quiet of the panel drops the biggest bombshell
Dani-Mania- hates witch voices