Sunday, February 14, 2010

a dude in defense of valentine's day

my view on valentine's day up till this year was one of disapproval. i was of the opinion that it was a bs holiday created by hallmark and other greeting card, chocolate, and flower companies. my view was that the purpose of its creation was to guilt men into spending money on their significant others or else face the consequences of being labeled a no good dude who doesn't buy his special lady stuff on v-day.

but i've been doing some thinking as of late, and my opinion has changed a little.

a lot of guys have been spending the past 6 months parked on their sofas watching football all weekend. and just when the ladies thought they were gonna get some monday night attention, boom, monday night football was there to prove otherwise. the nfl has expanded its schedule and now even has thursday night games. then there's ncaa games that pop up on all sorts of random days. when there's no game, there's sports center and highlight shows and fantasy teams that can't be neglected. it's tough to show attention to the ladies when your favorite squad of millionaires are fighting for a playoff spot.

and unlike baseball, basketball, and hockey, there's no all star break in the middle of the football season. at least the other sports acknowledge this crisis and give you a break somewhere in the middle of the season by taking a hiatus and presenting a game of all stars that no one takes serious. they provide men with a good chance to step away and show our significant others a good time (kudos to the NBA who's all star break is currently the same weekend as valentine's day).

the nfl is relentless. no all star game till the season's over. no break. no opportunity.

so to all the dudes who are sports fans and are eagerly waiting for the beginning of baseball... take this chance during a lull in sports to treat your woman right! no one takes the winter olympics seriously so this won't work as an alibi. get off your ass and take your woman out! buy her stuff, do what she wants, listen to her talk, and give her your undivided attention! it's the least you can do for your awesome woman who stood by your side while you and your friends pigged out on buffalo wings and chugged beer for the past 6 months.

happy valentine's day ladies!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

how to be the best best man you can be (an easy to follow checklist)

my brother, phil, graciously made me the best man for his wedding this past weekend. thanks phil! that was awesome! being best man is an honor. it should be taken seriously. you don't want to fuck this up! follow my checklist for an excellent and rewarding best man experience:

1- look sharp (this is easy for the dudes. you'll need 3 things: rented tux, fresh haircut, fresh shave... go ahead, i DARE you not to look sharp).

2- get a sexy date (i lucked out on this step since i coincidentally have a sexy girlfriend).

3- party your ass off! at the wedding, before the wedding, after the wedding.

4- dance your ass off!

5- indulge! there's an open bar and a buffet for a reason.

6- don't buy under aged kids drinks (you got the rest of your life to corrupt minors. but for tonight, you are the best man so don't be that guy).

7- be clutch. if a wedding is a football game, you're the field goal kicker. they may not ask you for much, but what they do ask you for is important and cannot be fucked up!

8- don't take pictures, be the pictures. (everyone else has cameras. there's even a couple dudes running around paid good money to take pictures).

9- don't be a buzz kill!!!

10- bring it for the toast!! not only cuz every one's watching and listening, and not only cuz it's a good chance to ham it up a little, but mostly cuz it's a great chance to show the bride and groom your appreciation and love for both of them. and that is what being best man is really all about.